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artefacts from an imagined documentary (proposed):
short film
a summer evening
in the English countryside
is interupted by a phone call...
'artefacts from an imagined documentary (proposed): two’ is the second in a suite of short films that begin to map the territory of a new area of investigation for an un-named Researcher.
Following the film work ‘midnight, mid-Atlantic...’ - in which a Researcher investigates an abandoned film project in Iceland - this new area of research is partly framed by the work of the 19th Century moving image pioneer Eadweard Muybridge. Collectively, this new body of work acts as a meta-proposal for a longer-term project that will explore the collision of histories of the factual Muybridge, a fictional film director and the Researcher himself.
'artefacts...:two' was filmed in Surrey, UK.
High Definition Video
artefacts from an imagined documentary (proposed): two, still #1
artefacts from an imagined documentary (proposed): two, still #2
artefacts from an imagined documentary (proposed): two, still #3
artefacts from an imagined documentary (proposed): two, still #4
artefacts from an imagined documentary (proposed): two, still #5
artefacts from an imagined documentary (proposed): two, still #6
artefacts from an imagined documentary (proposed): two, still #7
artefacts from an imagined documentary (proposed): two, still #8
artefacts from an imagined documentary (proposed): two, still #9
The silent version of ‘Artefacts…two’ was commissioned as part of ‘SET’ – an international collaborative screening program of eight silent films by eight international artists, presented with live audio/music accompaniment. Curated by Joey Fauerso and Liz Rodda from Texas State University (USA). The screenings, curated with live audio performances, were unique at each screening location/venue throughout the tour. The project has been screened at numerous venues in North and South America during a tour in 2016 – 2017.
Screenings of SET.
•Hudson Showroom, ArtPace, San Antonio (USA) – May 2016
•Universidad Automoma Metropolitana, Mexico City (Mexico) – May 2016
•Patio 77, Mexico City (Mexico) – May 2016
•NMASS (New Media Art and Sound Summit), Austin (USA) – June 2016
•Luminaria, San Antonio (USA) – November 2016
•Metro State University, Denver (USA) – December 2016
•Lugar a Dudas, Cali (Columbia) – March 2017
•Museo de Art Moderno, Medellin (Columbia) – April 2017