photography |

endless filmset
(a prequel for an unmade documentary)
photographic series / installation
Having previously utilised the language of film advertising and spectacle as a framework to explore a narrative involving a series of un-made movies and their protagonists, ‘Endless Filmset’ transposes this narrative into a museum form.
The images and objects within the installation and a museum narrative (via text labels and audio guide) presume to reveal information about the homes of a movie director and an actress, as well as background sub-plots regarding the movies that they have been involved with.
The constant slippage of interpretation between the written, the aural and the visual - in addition to the digitally altered images themselves - sets up an instability as to the images authenticity but also as to the context of which they are a part. The viewer is also drawn into this complicity, as they are guided through the actual rooms shown by the audio guide as heard through a personal CD player.
Endless Filmset
Core 2001, Glassell School of Art /
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA
Endless Filmset 2
Plains Art Museum, Fargo, USA